
Once you’ve completed your application, you’ll be placed in the priority Band which reflects your housing need. This is based on your current circumstances.  

If you don’t agree with the Band, please contact us and we can review it.

You must tell us about changes to your housing circumstances, for example if someone leaves or joins your household or you move address. You can do this by updating your application on your MyHousing account. 

You’ll also need to re-register your application each year to confirm you are still looking for housing with us.

The eight Bands are:

A – Wheatley Group tenants who require urgent re-housing preventing homelessness:

  • people whose homes are being demolished
  • exceptional housing need where a person’s case is urgent and so unusual it’s not covered elsewhere in the letting policy
  • where evidence from police or social work supports a very urgent move
  • tenants whose discharge from hospital is being delayed
  • local moves where a tenant has a need to move within the local area to a more suitable property of the same type.

B – Statutory homeless referrals:

Statutory homeless referrals from the relevant local authority including:

  • refugees
  • applicants who are sleeping rough as part of the Housing First model
  • young people leaving care.

C – Preventing homelessness:

  • breakdown in relationship between a tenant of one of Wheatley Group's social landlords and their partner or joint tenant
  • tenants facing severe financial problems
  • those leaving community care situations
  • Armed Forces personnel who have or will have an honourable discharge
  • people leaving a tied house due to redundancy or retirement.

D – Reasonable preference:

  • families who are overcrowded
  • social tenants who are under occupying
  • where the local authority has declared the home to be below tolerable standard.

E – People getting older or who need additional support:

  • people with a health and housing need, for example the current house is detrimental to their illness or disability
  • people who need support to live independently and need low-level adaptations
  • people who need to move to an area to give/provide support.

F – No housing need:

Only a small percentage of homes will be let to Band F.

  • people who have no social housing need and are looking for an aspirational move.

G – Local authority nominations:

  • lets allocated to nominations from local authorities. 

H – Direct lets to other organisations:

  • requests from other organisations will be considered where they meet our objectives and demonstrate positive outcomes for customers.

L - Livingwell

  • older people, including those over the age of 55, who meet the requirements for our homes specially designed to support older people.


Struggling with your mental health?
Moving home, or applying for a home, can be stressful and have an impact on your mental wellbeing.

If you are struggling with your mental health, you can find out about the resources available to you by clicking here.