This is a benefit to help you pay your rent if you have a low income. It is being replaced by Universal Credit. However there are people who can still make a new claim.
You can make a new claim for Housing Benefit if the following applies:
- you and your partner have reached state pension age;
- you are entitled to a severe disability premium or you were entitled to this premium in the last month and are still entitled to it; and
- you are in supported, sheltered or temporary housing.
If you are already in receipt of Housing Benefit and move within the same local authority area, or have a change of circumstances, you can currently still claim Housing Benefit.
For more information go to
If you need help with this and are currently a tenant of one of our homes at Wheatley Homes Glasgow, Loretto, Wheatley Homes East or Wheatley Homes South then please contact your Customer First Centre.
If you are not currently a tenant with us, you should contact Citizens Advice or your local council’s Housing Benefit Team