How we rent homes
Our Homes with our registered social landlords (Wheatley Homes Glasgow, Wheatley Homes East and Loretto Housing Association) are advertised on the MyHousing website twice a week.
The search for a home section is updated every Tuesday and Friday at 8am.
It’s easy to note an interest – and you have three days to do so from the day the home is advertised.
You can note interest in three homes in each advertising cycle. You should note interest in homes advertised in your priority Band which suits you and your household.
Priority is given to applicants who are in the same Band that the home was advertised for.
Once the closing date has passed, the home will be offered in the first instance to the applicant who has noted an interest and has been in the applicant band the longest.
Our 'Fast lets' – homes which are immediately available to all Bands – are added when they are available.
You can only note an interest in one Fast Let home in each advertising cycle.
Lowther Homes is part of Wheatley Group and manages homes that are available for mid and full market rent. These are advertised throughout the week. There is no limit in the number of Lowther Homes properties you can note interest in at any time.
Struggling with your mental health?
Moving home, or applying for a home, can be stressful and have an impact on your mental wellbeing.
If you are struggling with your mental health, you can find out about the resources available to you by clicking here.